Monday, November 27, 2017

Social Studies Update -- Grades 5-6-7-8

The world so far...

  • ...Grade 5 is studying the American Revolution. We examined the Declaration of Independence, and discussed issues of fairness and unfairness regarding the actions of the king and Parliament toward the colonists. We followed this with a consideration of whether to vote independence up or down by staging a town hall style meeting, with the voices of  different segments of the American population stating their opinions. Ultimately, Grade 5 voted for independence from Britain... 

  • ...Grade 6 is in the midst of a study of ancient Egypt which included creating an exploded-sized map of the Nile River, exploring the life, death, and tomb contents of the pharaoh Tutankhamen, examining the religious and afterlife beliefs of the people, and looking at the daily life of commoners. We will close the unit by 'visiting' ancient Nubia, and recognizing the influences of Egypt on Nubian culture.

  • ...Grade 7 is concluding a unit on the years between the French and Indian War and the American Revolution. We examined the growing tension between liberty-loving colonists and an increasingly cash-strapped Britain, and considered the justice of taxing Americans even though they did not have a voice in Parliament. To determine why the colonists were so upset by British taxation policies, we did a deep-dive into the Stamp Act, reading original newspaper clippings that expressed both colonial and British viewpoints. We studied the facts of the opening battle of the Revolutionary War, and will examine court affidavits that were gathered by officials in an effort to determine who fired the first shot in the Battle of Lexington and Concord.

  • ...Grade 8 is involved in an intense study of the United States in the years between the Civil War and World War I. We began by examining the chaotic settling of the magnificent American West, then returned east to study the unregulated growth of American industrialism. We evaluated the unprecedented success of business tycoons JP Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, and Andrew Carnegie, and explored the flipside of their success by studying the violent Homestead Steel Strike. We will close the unit by studying the beliefs and actions of Susan B Anthony, Alice Paul, Booker T Washington and WEB DuBois, and determining our own place in the ongoing fight for American social justice. 

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Welcome to the Social Studies Classroom 2017 - 2018!

Welcome back!

Events of summer 2017, such as the Confederate monument controversy, demand that we understand our past so that we may act to ensure our freedoms in the future.

Knowing our national history is alternately painful and inspiring. Understanding the full, messy story enlightens us to form better policies.

It won't be long before you are able to vote, and add your voice to the national conversation.

So, let's get you ready! Let's delve into history, examine the past, and prepare for the future.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Grade 6 turned the Social Studies classroom into an Islamic mosque...

In the courtyard, at the fountain

The Minbar

Explaining the purpose of the Mihrab to younger students

Discussing facts about Islamic traditions in Brooklyn today

The architects

Friday, March 31, 2017

Grade 8
World War I Journals

Students chose a persona based on country of origin and role in the war, established a name and family background, and wrote a series of entries reflecting about "their" wartime experiences.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Little Sisters came up to the 8th Grade classroom for a Valentine's visit!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Check out the Visitation Debate Club--here they are preparing for their next debates:
  • Smoking should be banned in public places
  • National security is more important than personal privacy